Jie Hui
Hi, my name is Jie. During my studies in the Digital Media program, I enjoyed the freedom that I was given to be involved in a wide scope of fields within digital media. This freedom allowed me to explore and gain skills in various software and design thinking processes. I specialised my studies towards 3D environments, video editing and graphic design in order to pursue a career in the gaming or advertising industries.

The Vast Land
A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains (千里江山图) is an ancient Chinese painting created by Wang XiMeng during the Song Dynasty in the early twelfth century. It had been described as one of the greatest works of Chinese art. With this as the inspiration, I have created a 3D environment, simulating the unique scenes as portrayed in the painting, depicting rolling hills and vast rivers and lakes. Allows the audience to explore and unfolded the secret story behind the painting.