Cindy Wongtanyakam
Good Day!, I was called “Cindy” from Digital Media program at RMIT University, I am pleased that my decision was this program back on that day. As I am gaining a lot from teachers and friends. I joined this program because I already have my goal to study on UX/UI design. But it is my benefits to learn a lot on various skills. And all of them can be a benefits towards my design as I am able to combines all of the knowledge together.

Better Off
Better Off is a new social media platform focused on creating and presenting content that is socially progressive, such as Mental health, Climate change, Positive self image and Anti racism . Our platform provides a voice for all users, and gives an equal opportunity to interact and exchange ideas. Here at Better Off, our aim is to create a positive and safe environment, without any outsider judgement and negative comments. Better Off allows the users to become creators, and provides the tools to create content based on their values and beliefs.